Farnley Tyas C of E First School

Vision & Values Council


'Working together to be the best we can be'


Our Vision and Values Council represent the pupil voice of all our pupils at Farnley Tyas First School whilst driving forward our school vision and values. They work together with adults in school to share their views and opinions and make a difference to our school and our community. 

Pupil Voice - Making the school more Eco Friendly.

Our Vision and Values Council met and wrote a letter to our headteacher, Mrs. Wagstaff about how they would like to work together and make the school more Eco Friendly. Children are now making a difference by trying to increase recycling and reduce wasted plastics to help protect the environment now and for years to come. 

After gaining the help of our local Councillor John Taylor, we finally have our green bins in school! We are now a recycling school once again, thanks to the dedication and Courageous Advocacy of our Vision and Values Council.

Our next step was to source a wormery... which we did!!!

Working together to help Hindu Hamisi and her community.

We decided that we would like to help other communities throughout the World. Children have written to Hindu Hamisi, a school girl in Kenya and they have shared how their lives are similar and different. Children decided they wanted to sponsor Hindu's school community so that children there can have a better education.

We were thrilled to welcome Hindu's Principle from her school in Kenya to Farnley Tyas. He spoke to all the children about what life was like in his school and then our Vision and Values Council showed him around ours.