Farnley Tyas C of E First School, Part of the Green Hills First Federation

Class 1's Homepage

Our class is made up of Reception and Year 1 children.


Please click here to see what we're learning this term. 

Please click here to view our curriculum, we have a two year cycle.



Mrs Wilks; Monday & Tuesday (Class Teacher)

Miss Littlewood; Wednesday - Friday (Class Teacher)

Mrs Lewis (Cover Supervisor) 



We work closely with our Class 1 friends at Thurstonland and Denby First School's. Please click here to see the fun we had at our most recent get together over at Denby First School.


Helping at Home

If you would like to know more how our English and Maths is taught along with helpful ways to engage your child at home, here are some helpful Parent Guides; 

Reception and Year 1.  


What our children need in school

Children are asked to keep their reading book and record in their book bags at all times.

Every Friday Year 1 need their spelling books.

Every third Friday our children take part in a Library session and so need to bring their library book to school.

Children come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday's and Thursday's.


If you would like to see more of our day to day learning please see our Facebook page here.